Building Surveys/Inspections: An asbestos survey entails the collection, analysis and documentation of suspect building materials in compliance with Federal EPA, NYS and NYC guidelines as applicable. Suspect building materials are collected via bulk sampling and are sent to an independent laboratory for analysis to determine if asbestos is present. A comprehensive report is then generated containing descriptions of the surveyed area(s), quantities and locations of asbestos materials, bulk sample analysis results, drawings, photographs, response recommendations and remediation estimates.
NYCDEP ACP – 5 Surveys and Inspections: Absolutely Clean Environment, Inc. retains New York City Asbestos Investigators on staff that supply ACP-5 filing forms as required by the NYC Department of Buildings in associating with restoration and renovation work performed within the confines of New York City.
Asbestos Corrective Action Specifications: When a survey is completed and asbestos has been found to exist within a building, an asbestos removal project may be required. Our project design consists of developing project specifications, supplying working drawings via Autosketch 11 or ACADD Light, contractor qualification and contract administration for the project in compliance with local, state and federal regulations.
The following key items are typically included in a Specification:
ATRU Work Place Safety Plan: If an abatement plan is found to impact building life safety and/or specific fire-stopping materials within a building, the NYCDEP requires a Work Place Safety Plan to be prepared and approved prior to abatement activities. ACE coordinates all logistic issues associated with compliance in the abetment design and provides seamless interaction with the NYCDEP to obtain approval for the work to be performed.
Procedural Variance Application and V-5 Application – ACE can prepare and submit detailed procedural site-specific variance application(s) for approval to the NYSDOL and/or NYCDEP to conduct asbestos removal utilizing modified remedial procedures when required by an abatement project’s logistic limitations and site specific conditions.
When asbestos abatement must be conducted simultaneously with a large construction project in order to facilitate a project schedule, ACE can effectively prepare a NYCDEP V-5 variance application and provide comprehensive phasing plans for approval by the NYCDEP.
Project Monitoring/Air Sampling: In accordance with the requirements of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection Asbestos Control Regulations and NYS Department of Labor Regulations, a third or independent party must perform air monitoring and analysis during asbestos abatement activities. All air samples collected are analyzed daily by an independent laboratory. Pertinent waste manifests, daily logs, workers licenses and air sampling results are documented and/or collected and reviewed for accuracy, then submitted to the client within a final compliance report for project closure.
An itemized list of Project Monitor duties are as follows:
Operations and Management Plan (O&M Plan): If asbestos is present within a facility, removal is not always required. ACE can develop and implement an effective on-sight management plan for in-place management of asbestos materials along with necessary training of employees to comply with OSHA Hazardous Communication regulations.
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CDC NIOSH | OSHA | USEPA | National Institutes of Health | NYS Department of Environmental Conservation | NYS Department of Labor
NYC Department of Environmental Protection