The Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan implemented by Absolutely Clean Environment, Inc. shall ensure a standardized, accurate and consistent approach to the performance and completion of field activities and the precise documentation of all activities through the use of standardized forms, report preparation and review. A Standard Operating Procedure Manual specifically designed to provide employees with a protocol for accomplishing the various and necessary tasks but are not limited to bulk sampling, air sampling, indoor air quality inspections and sampling shall be compiled and distributed to all ACE staff.
The QA/QC Manager shall develop and implement all QA/QC protocols for the technical and field services performed by ACE staff. The technical activities performed by ACE staff will be approved by the QA/QC Manager before implementation on-site. Any variations from the Standard Operating Procedures shall be reviewed and approved prior to its implementation on-site. Once approved, the protocol will be included in the appropriate operating manual if applicable.
ACE will only implement the industry and/or governmental approved standards for the activities and tasks performed. All applicable methods, protocols and regulatory guidelines approved by USEPA, OSHA, HUD, NYCDEP, NYSDOL, NIOSH, are incorporated in the QA/QC Plan. If no governing agency has approved methodologies, ACE utilizes those protocols recommended by the specific trade organizations, such as the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). Lastly, ACE uses only analytical laboratories that have extensive experience and have QA/QC programs approved by the AIHA.
The QA/QC manual sets protocols to ensure that all aforementioned standards are met via the following:
ACE will maintain the highest level of technical staffing through the strict maintenance of existing certifications and the enrollment of staff into supplemental technical training. ACE is fully capable of conducting in-house training for various environmental and health and safety issues to its staff on an as-needed basis. The use of both in-house and external training programs insures that the quality of the staff’s technical knowledgebase is maintained at the highest professional levels.
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Staffing
ACE’s project management shall entail the oversight of the contract projects by a designated company principal – Mr. Jeffrey Sheridan, President. Mr. Sheridan shall interface directly in disseminating and effectuating the directives outlined and established by the client, the regulations, and the project logistics. All technical reports, protocols and documents are reviewed and approved by one (1) other senior staff member.
The ACE team assigned to a given project will attend weekly meetings conducted by the Principal to review the progress of the project(s). During these meetings, the project schedule and technical/logistical issues are reviewed to maintain compliance with the contract, regulatory requirements and the QA/QC protocols implemented.
Copyright © 2025 Absolutely Clean Environment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
CDC NIOSH | OSHA | USEPA | National Institutes of Health | NYS Department of Environmental Conservation | NYS Department of Labor
NYC Department of Environmental Protection